Jifiti was featured on Viola’s Contextual Fintech Map.
According to Viola, the holy grail to creating the ultimate customer experience is in the intersection of embedded, personalized, and on-time. Or, in a word – contextual.
Based on this theory, Contextual Finance can be best understood through the lens of intent. Generally, purchasing a financial product is not the customer’s main objective, but instead is a complementary intent. For example, a person doesn’t wake up with the desire to take out a loan, but they might have the need to buy a new fridge after theirs breaks. This primary intent of purchasing a new fridge drives their actions while taking out a point-of-sale loan or line of credit is a complementary intent that helps them achieve their primary goal. By taking the context into account and embedding a financial product into the customer’s journey toward achieving his primary goal, Contextual Finance can provide customers with a seamless, personalized, and real-time financing experience.
Read more in Viola.